What are the ways to check the thickness of deposited thin films in real time?

Identifying the deposition rate and thickness of the thin film in real time on the deposition equipment is a very useful and important issue.

Real-time monitoring sensors can be classified into various types according to classification methods and criteria, but they can be classified into two types: insertion type and non-insertion type.

And, all sensors adopt the calibration method that is suitable for the measurement method, and it is possible to use without any problem without correcting the correct operation.

[Insertion type monitoring sensor]

A quartz crystal microbalance (QCM), a mass spectroscopy (MS), an electron impact emission spectroscopy (EIES), an optical fiber sensor (OFS), a reflection high-energy electron diffraction (RHEED), an X- ray photoelectron spectroscopy

[Non-insertion type monitoring sensor]

SE (Spectroscopic ellipsometry), MWPI (Multiple wavelength pyrometric interferometry), APEL (Alpha particle energy loss), LR (Laser reflectomery), X-ray reflectivity (XRR)

There are many different kinds of monitoring methods being sought. The problem is that you have to select and use the sensor that is appropriate for your operating system and the element you want to measure.

2024년 9월 13일 금요일 나의 투자 기록

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