Galvanic corrosion prevention measures
It is important to anticipate the damage caused by galvanic corrosion when choosing equipment or equipment used in a corrosive atmosphere and minimize the damage by considering the following preventive measures.
① Selection of similar dislocation metals: Select metals that are located as close as possible to the galvanic system.
② Be careful not to cause contaminants (oil, welding spatter, etc.) on the surface. (Complete removal required)
③ External power supply method: It eliminates the potential difference by hanging the power source from the outside at the end of the cathode and anode parts. (Referred to as an external power supply method)
④ Sacrificial Anode method: A third metal (such as scavenger - zinc anode) that is more active is brought into contact with the two metals of the galvanic pair.
⑤ Sacrificial anode method: It is designed to be easy to replace the part that acts as anode when designing.
⑥ Area Effect: The surface area of the anode is large and the surface area of the cathode is small. Ie the surface area of the Lessnoble or active metal side.
2025년 1월 15일 축구 스포츠 토토 프로토 승부식 7회차 축구 경기 예상
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