Grounding method to accurately measure the load current of a high-voltage power supply

In order to measure the current value of the device using the high voltage power of 1000 V or more, the circuit must be basically configured in series.

In this circuit, errors and noise may vary depending on the grounding condition and configuration.

In order to measure the correct current value, it is necessary to remove the noise component, and the ground condition is very important.

It is recommended that you use a power supply with floating ground capability.

Though it is usually used as a chassis ground instead of a floating ground, this configuration tends to be difficult to measure the micro current and to be very vulnerable to noise.

If the current to be measured is a micro current, you should use a power supply with a floating ground function.

Even when connecting the ground, it is recommended to use a large ground line and avoid the place where there is induction current component of the power source and motor.

2024년 9월 13일 금요일 나의 투자 기록

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